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230-ton Airbus A330 Frozen In Midair
This is what happens when a 230-ton Airbus A330 has the right angle of attack, the right low speed and the right amount of head wind: it gets suspended in the middle of the sky for a few seconds. ( More...Those are very skilled pilots. It takes a lot of minute changes in thrust and pitch. I would be nervous if I was the pilot.
Very cool. Does anyone know how slow an A330 can go like that?
Despite the looks of moving so slow the aircraft's AIRspeed is actually quite reasonable. It's hard to say since the poster didn't provide the wind speed, but if the weight of 230t is accurate, with a full flaps config, the aircraft could easily be doing 125kts. Most airlines have regulations for landing in high winds. Given that the airport was still open and the aircraft landed I doubt winds were over 40kts. Assuming the worst (that it was pure headwind) that would give the aircraft a ground speed of about 85kts.
Yeah, its actually going pretty fast. It just looks like its going slow because of the size.
― Douglas Adams