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American Airlines: Penny Wise, Pound Foolish, And Saddled With $40 Billion In Debt
American Airlines, and in particular current Tempe management, is known in the industry for being ‘penny wise and pound foolish.’ The CEO even has a nickname that stems from this first part. They spend lavishly on aircraft, investing in foreign airlines, and a new corporate headquarters (now supported with $10 billion in taxpayer cash over the last 18 months) while taking short cuts on employee pay and customer experience. And it winds up costing them more money in the long run. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I am so old I remember when American was the best airline in the USA. That was when pilots were the leadership at all levels. It is so sad to read things. I have stories to tell about super flights with them.
I was a Legacy American Airlines Stewardess from the 60s to 2008. You are so right the pilots were the leadership and did a great job. I am so sad to watch USAirways destroy the good name and brand. We were the cream of the crop and we were classy.......not trashy like the crews today.
I also worked for them in Air Cargo Sales in NYC and LAX in the 60s and 70s. I was proud to be an employee. It was a great place to work. They had HIGH standards. I always felt safer when flying on American. Really sad this is happening.
A wharton mba could never figure out how to schedule an airline without a massive computer!
They kept government money ment for payroll but didn’t actually use it for payroll? Why do governments give money ment for one purpose and then not enforce that the most net go were it is supposed to.
Are you new to this country?
You expected more from our ever growing out of control government???? lol