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FAA identifies new potential risk on 737 MAX
The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has identified a new potential risk that Boeing Co must address on its 737 MAX before the grounded jet can return to service, the agency told Reuters on Wednesday. The risk was discovered during a simulator test last week, sources with knowledge of the matter told Reuters. As a result, Boeing is not expected to run a certification test flight until at least July 8, they said. "On the most recent issue, the FAA’s process is designed to discover and… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Clear evidence that the FAA and other certifying agencies around the world need to have direct (not delegated) involvement in the certification process. The Joint European Agency will now not trust the FAA certification standars and this will extend the process of recertification. A MAJOR blunder by Boeing that will cost them and their shareholders a lot of money.
I think you need to the blame falls on the government for removing the funding that required them to switch to a system that did not provide direct oversight of the certification process.
So you want to blame the guvmint for not catching Boeing's incompetence and/or willful attempt to cut corners and get away with it? There's lots of blame to go around and Boeing certainly qualifies for its full share of it.
You missed the point. If the government underfunds FAA and they don't have the people required to do certification, the only option is what effectively becomes self-certification. way should an aircraft manufacture be allowed to basically sign it's own air worthiness certificate...simple fact is if not enough folks are around to do all certificates in a timely wait!
Self certification is what you get with when you try to achieve the philosophical goal of shrinking government until it's small enough to drown it in the bathtub.
US Dept of Agriculture and FDA do the same things with their areas of responsibility
Trickle down malfeasance, misfeasance & nonfeasance.
He does have a point, as the government did let Boeing play loose here with all but using the actual words "self certification." If anything here, the Government should be blamed for their negligence in not being as stern as they needed to be with regarding certification of the MAX.