Hollister Muni Airport (Hollister, CA) CVH הערות
E147 | Traffic pattern altitude for helicopters 500 ft AGL. |
A81-APT | Activate REIL runway 24, 13, and 31; vasi runway 24; PAPI runway 13 and 31; MIRL runway 06/24 and 13/31 - CTAF. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L fuel available 24 hours credit card lock system. |
A17 | Airport manager at airport monday - friday 0800-1500. |
A16 | Fax (831) 636-4366. |
A110-7 | For clearance contact norcal approach at 916-361-3748. |
A110-6 | Recommend pilots to begin runway 31 takeoff roll at or beyond the threshold (past taxiway B) . |
A110-5 | Glider activity on and in vicinity of airport. |
A110-2 | Caution - watch for fire fighting aircraft may thru oct. |
A110-1 | Model aircraft club conducting flight operations 3 miles wnw of airport heading of 290 degrees from airport surface to 500' AGL. |