E60-22 | BAK-14 BAK-12B (B) (2100') . |
E60-04 | BAK-14 BAK-12B (B) (1500') . |
A81-APT | SERVICE-LGT: when unatndd activate REIL runway 04; PAPI runway 04 and 22; HIRL runway 04/22 - 127.9. |
A49-22 | SSALR out of service. |
A110-9 | See flip ap/1 supplementary airport remark. |
A110-8 | Bearing strength runway 04/22: ST175 SBTT593 TRT585. |
A110-7 | Noise abatement: VFR west arrival/departure via mtn pass 15 nm northwest of biggs aaf. avoid VFR ovft of city. Fly 1500 ft AGL, 1500 ft horizontal dist from mtn dwellings. |
A110-6 | Caution: el paso international runway 22, 2 nm southeast can be mistaken for biggs aaf runway 22. Coyote haz. |
A110-32 | William beaumont hospital helipad pcl frequency 126.2. |
A110-31 | No taxiway edge lts at hot refuel area. |
A110-30 | Aircraft service/trans alert will not support tower, round robin or out and back for trans aircraft. |
A110-29 | Closed circuit tv operations, tsnt aircraft CIV-MIL inbound contact airfield operations via ptd at 60 nm prior to landing. |
A110-28 | Services: no DE-ICE available, no off airfield transport available for aircrew, 24 hr notice for lav and water svcs, 915-525-7087. |
A110-27 | Taxiway L south of taxiway F dsgnd for rotary wing aircraft only. |
A110-26 | Communications: pmsv 373.7. |
A110-22 | Misc: international garbage capacity limited. Exp delays unless placed in garbage bags prior to arrival. |
A110-20 | Misc: kbif auto obsn and baaf usaf weather available 24/7, DSN 621-1215/1214, C915-744-1215/1214. ot 25TH ows, DAVIS-MONTHAN afb, DSN 228-6598-6599. class D airspace eff 1500-0700Z++ MON-SUN, except holiday. ot class E international garbage capacity limited. Must be bagged prior to arrival. |
A110-2 | Traffic pattern: F/W 5000', turbo prop 5500', R/W 4500', jet 6000'. |
A110-19 | Transient alert - 1300-0700Z++ monday - friday, 1500-0700Z++ sat and sunday, except holiday. |
A110-18 | Misc: hgr space extremely limited for transient aircraft. |
A110-16 | Misc: apvl rqr for access to ramp. |
A110-14 | Fluid: sp. |
A110-13 | Service: fuel - A+, truck refuel only (atlantic aviation, 1500-0700Z++ MON-SUN, C915-779-2831, 1 hr pn, after hr please call out fee $100) . |
A110-12 | Jet air start unit: 4 (A/M32A-86) 2 (A/M32-95) . |
A110-1 | Restricted: prior permission required all aircraft 24 hr pn contact airfield operations DSN 621-8811/8330, C915-744-8811/8330. tower and svcs available for all aircraft with prior permission required. prior permission required time valid +/-1 hr. all aircraft contact airfield operations via ptd 30 minimum prior to arrival. Flight operations and transient alert service unavailable bfr 1 hr prior to prior permission required scheduled arrival. |