Blake Fld Airport (Delta, CO) AJZ הערות
A81-APT | Activate REIL runway 03 and 21; MIRL runway 03/21 - CTAF. PAPI runway 03 and 21 on consly. |
A56-03 | 4 ft fence 580 ft from threshold on extended centerline. |
A17 | After hours emergency fone, sheriff department 970-874-2000/after hours service 970-209-0883. |
A110-9 | For clearance contact denver artcc at 303-651-4257. |
A110-8 | Power lines 2640' northwest runway 03/21, +52 ft AGL. |
A110-7 | Runway 3 has +4 ft fence 580 ft from threshold ob. |
A110-6 | 24 hour self serve fuel available. |
A110-5 | Runway 03/21 has 4 ft bushes 15-20 ft from runway edge on both sides in various places. |
A110-4 | Runway 03/21 slopes up to the northeast. |
A110-3 | Runway 21 has turn around taxi has blue/white reflectors. |
A110-1 | Antelope on and in vicinity of airport. |