Sycamore Strip Airport (Fort Worth, TX) 9F9 הערות
A81-APT | Lirl runway 17/35 please call ahead, 817-293-0510 M-F 09:00-17:00. |
A58-35 | 27 ft railroad, 0-199 ft distance, 85 ft L; 15 ft road, 90 ft distance, 0 ft both; 12 ft building, 55 ft distance, 53 ft R. |
A58-17 | 27 ft railroad 59 ft R and 30 pline 123 ft R. |
A57-35 | Approach ratio 0:1 from day displaced threshold and 0:1 from night relctd threshold. |
A40-17/35 | Non-standard lirl - single white threshold light each side, non-standard 15 ft from runway edge. 2766 ft usbl at night. Runway 35 threshold 609 ft at night. |
A24 | Landing fee for all tsnt aircraft. |
A110-4 | Windsock may be unrel due to proximity of trees. |
A110-3 | For clearance contact regional approach at 972-615-2799. |
A110-2 | Airport closed to tsnt aircraft except 2 hours prior permission required please call 817-293-0510. |
A110-1 | Runway 17/35 7 ft wall 76 ft east of centerline parallel to runway 730 ft N end of runway. |