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Laser pointed at police helicopter pilots. Bail set at $100
The police pilots were able to direct ground units to the suspects, who were arrested. The amount of the bail is what is really disturbing. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
That's just bail. The average going rate for federal criminal charges (from the FAA) is a $5,000 fine. Then they are usually hit with federal civil charges, also with a common number of $5,000. Many states also have laws against this, and they like to charge a few thousand in fines as well. They'll be paying the Dept of Treasury on a payment plan for a long time.
There is a serious miss on understanding the difference between bail and case’s finding.
Bail is not a fine. These two clowns will have their day in court and could be fined, serve time - or both. But the comments saying they were “only fined $100” or “only $100” are not connected with the reality of the trouble these two guys are in.
Bail is not a fine. These two clowns will have their day in court and could be fined, serve time - or both. But the comments saying they were “only fined $100” or “only $100” are not connected with the reality of the trouble these two guys are in.
Agreed, but the question remains on why was it so low?
Since bail is merely collateral to ensure that the accused make all appearances in court for a given case, it’s likely that these two are not flight risks, don’t have criminal records, reason to evade, etc..
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...easy there rainbow!...
Are there any Republican led ”cities”? Nope. The largest two “cities” in the US that are Republican led? Ft Worth TX and Jacksonville FL. Both under a million population. Towns, not “cities”. Face it…there really are NO “Republican-led cities”.
Horsedodo, both are cities. Euless, Tx, where I live is a city of over 60,000.