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Laser pointed at police helicopter pilots. Bail set at $100

The police pilots were able to direct ground units to the suspects, who were arrested. The amount of the bail is what is really disturbing. ( More...

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Zorchin 17
That's just bail. The average going rate for federal criminal charges (from the FAA) is a $5,000 fine. Then they are usually hit with federal civil charges, also with a common number of $5,000. Many states also have laws against this, and they like to charge a few thousand in fines as well. They'll be paying the Dept of Treasury on a payment plan for a long time.
Dave P 15
There is a serious miss on understanding the difference between bail and case’s finding.

Bail is not a fine. These two clowns will have their day in court and could be fined, serve time - or both. But the comments saying they were “only fined $100” or “only $100” are not connected with the reality of the trouble these two guys are in.
Dale Ballok 2
Agreed, but the question remains on why was it so low?
Dave P 8
Since bail is merely collateral to ensure that the accused make all appearances in court for a given case, it’s likely that these two are not flight risks, don’t have criminal records, reason to evade, etc..

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Dave Mathes 3
...easy there rainbow!...
David Rice 2
Are there any Republican led ”cities”? Nope. The largest two “cities” in the US that are Republican led? Ft Worth TX and Jacksonville FL. Both under a million population. Towns, not “cities”. Face it…there really are NO “Republican-led cities”.
Ron Streetenberger 1
Horsedodo, both are cities. Euless, Tx, where I live is a city of over 60,000.

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Michael Osmers 5
So where does it say they were illegals?
sharon bias 1
No indication that the subjects were illegals.
Buell Hollister -7
Trial & execution. They have to be shown so this won't continue!
Samuel Bixler 10
@DonDengler Bond is not punishment! There's plenty of room for discussion (or argument!) about what is appropriate bond in any given case, but punishment isn't meted out until sentencing. Bond is meant to be reasonably sure the accused (not convicted, yet!) shows up to answer the charge.

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clarify 5
Facts are no fun!
Dave Mathes 4, this story went sideways fast...!
tel001 4
These days, there is rarely bail set. Crackhead arsonists can get out with zero bail if their mommy cries a little.
Brian Freeman 9
Another factor to keep in mind when you go to vote next month. While we pay a lot of attention to typical political races it would serve you well to pay attention to races involving district attorneys, county prosecutors, attorneys general, etc. The "soft on criminals" candidates are not working very well for this country. YOU can change that.
Shenghao Han 9
only 100? at least add a 0 or in my opinion, two 0s.
jbermo 3
Pointing lasers at airplanes is not a Federal crime?
tel001 2
Maybe it depends if the laser is the wrong color. Red.Blue/green?
Larry Toler 4
Really? I guess the judge is pretty well disconnected with federal laws.
David Stark 4
Bail reform.
DonDengler -4
The reform will take place on November 08, 2022, when we begin to clean the deep swamp.
David Rice 3
Ever wonder why even your kids hate you? The rest of us don't wonder about this.

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AWAAlum 3
Wrong time, wrong place, Dengler.
Frank Warzocha 4
If you don't like the new normal then vote them out in the election in the next 5 weeks.
dmarloweshawca 2
Ok this post has gone from aviation into the cesspool of your politics. Starting with D Rotten going to Frank, Don, David, Joel, linbb and whoever else wanting to lower their standards. I'm now tired of reading. This is aviation and obviously some people have toooo much time on their hands.
Bail, as said several times, IS JUST AN ATTEMPT THAT THOSE CHARGED WILL APPEAR. If they don't then an arrest warrant will be issued. I do agree that maybe a zero should have been added to the $100 but unless you were in the courtroom then it's a guessing game by, obviously some in this thread. Judges are supposed to be nonpartisan and follow the law. They are people are not always perfect but hopefully they try. Same can't be said in this thread. THIS IS AVIATION NOT YOUR POLITICAL CESSPOOL. I do not live in the US and I'm a conservative (republican in your world) but I'm NOT stupid.
DonDengler 5
This vermin tried to blind a pilot flying an aircraft so the pilot would crash and die. This is attempted murder.
Bill Butler 1
Back in the early '80s aboard an aircraft carrier in the Med, I would see photos of Russian ships lasing aircrew flying patrol a/c. P-3s and such. Don't know what, if anything happened after those events. That was in the Pacific. I was on the other side of the world.
tel001 0
Maybe the cops should stay in safe neighbourhoods and avoid flying in unsafe areas,, like they tell victims of mugging to do. Cops don't clean up crime, they just warn citizens to avoid the areas.
Domingo Montoro 3
Now now no politics
ChrisRisley 1
George Soros and Open Society installed prosecutor and judge? This incident demanded much more than this.
DonDengler -4
Quit blaming Jorge Soros and place responsibility where it belongs. JOEY!
Dale Ballok -5
That’s right, Soros, the escape artist and invisible man, is a saint and model citizen!
AWAAlum 1
It's time some of you folks wake up and realize not everybody that pulls a stupid illegal trick is because of the President.
tel001 1
The CIA/FBI were trying to get hurricane Ian to wipe Mar-a-Lago
David Stark 2
LOL. I was wondering when somebody was going to say that.
David Rice 0
You must have forgotten the /s to let us know you were being sarcastic. No one, literally no one, can be stupid enough to actually believe that!
John Taylor 2
Sometimes the sarc is best served without the sarc tag...
Byron Russell 1
Laser pointer v. high powered laser. Both descriptions of the laser used are in the article. Which was it?
John Taylor 1
That bail does seem pretty low for potentially blinding a pilot or at the least, permanent eye damage and jeopardizing his career. This isn't just pranking, this is serious crime. But being that it's Houston, I'm not surprised the bail is so low. They seem to be plagued with the same catch and release problems of other cities that lean to the liberal side of the political spectrum. Read the comment in the original article from the locals. They don't seem too impressed with the bail either.
Joseph Edwards 1
As Ron White would say, you can't fix stupid.
John Tyler 1
Bail is the only assurance that the Accused will show up for the next court date. $100 for such a serious Federal Crime just boggles the mind. But since the charge(s) were not Federal but at a local level. Judges don't understand that BLINDNESS can result from laser pointers, a temporary blindness results though which could have caused a crash. Judges must be educated on technology besides the law. Too bad that judges sometimes don't understand either.
David Stark 2
What the judge understands at the arraignment is irrelevant. The purpose is to establish that there is probable cause to hold the person for trial, and to evaluate the risk that they might not return to court.
What would the judge do if he was the pilot and pointed by the same high-powered laser pointer?
By golly Dengler is correct!! Put the blame where it belongs.. On the President. He caused those locals to be silly. What a closed mind...
DonDengler -6
Weekend at Bernie’s 2022 version
I am glad that I have one vote!! How many do you have???
DonDengler -2
Typical retired-expired
Old geezer seeking approval now I. Social
Media. Sad
Jim Nichols 1
$100 would not stop anyone from running or possibly even repeating the crime . Stupid judges!!!
clarify 4
So you're 100% certain that this person will run....
Bruce Robertson 3
No, but it might just cause the suspects to blow off the court, making a summary judgement so much easier. Now the next time they have any law enforcement contact, they can be jailed immediately or held pending payment
DonDengler -7
Here we go again. Liberal on crime. That is no punishment. Sick of this Biden era destruction of the United States of America.
David Rice -1
You said you were “done”, liar. Liar just like your hero Diaper Don, the panty waste “bone spur hero”. A life-long Democrat, who tries to convince us he’s now conservative? You pick weird heroes.
David Stark 2
Check the timestamps.
David Rice 1
Oops. I made a mistake. His hero is still not conservative, but I’ll let it go now.
Andre Leonard 0
Let's face it bail amount is a joke here. Sadly these judges will never fight crime from the sky and risk injury and death. Sitting in a court room with an armed police officer put the judge in no danger.
Juan Jimenez -2
Name and shame the judge or this is fake news and never happened.
DonDengler -2
Where’s Jackie? Hahahahaha
DonDengler -8
It is loud and clear that the responses on F’Aware are non working , old men. With minds are lame as their hero Joey B. I’m done with all of this nonsense.
AWAAlum 3
Thank you for being done.

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clarify 14
It's bail -- an amount designed to make sure the accused shows up to their trial. It's not a fine, much less the ultimate punishment, which in my state is up to 5 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, not to mention that it's also a federal crime.
John Taylor 1
Consider this though, if the courts don't feel the crime is serious enough to warrant a larger bail, how confident can one be that the same courts will mete out a harsher punishment? Your state is likely not politically inclined that same way that Harris county is. They are known throughout the state as being the most lenient on crime and anti-police in the entire state of Texas.
David Stark 3
Seriousness of the charge is not the major factor in setting bail, although it is considered.
Joel Payne -1
Wonder what political party the Judge belongs to?
David Stark 3
It shouldn't matter. Any judge is obligated to follow the law.
Bill Butler 1
We'll see how that works in this next Supreme Court session.

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