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Senators Propose Raising US Commercial Pilots Mandatory Retirement Age
A group of seven U.S. senators on Tuesday proposed legislation to raise the mandatory commercial pilot retirement age to 67 from 65, in a bid to address airline industry staffing issues. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Yeah great idea. Raise the retirement age now that so many pilots have had their hearts injured by the "vaccine" they were forced to get and with in flight pilot incapacitations occurring every week on average - what could go wrong? (sarcasm)
I voluntarily retired at age 62 over 7 years ago. Healthy, fit and having the time of my life. As another commenter said: "Life is TOO short!".
Everyone ages differently, age should have notting to do with when one retires. One's health should be the determinding factor. As long as you are able to pass the FAA Medical exam, you should beallowed to continue to fly. I never did understand having an age requirement as to when you should quite flying, if your in good health then you should be able to continue to fly.
As long as they are given the tests required to confirm that they are still fit to work two more years I would not have any issues with that.
Raise the required retirement age, with testing. Too many experienced pilots are being taken out of the cockpit based on a bureaucratic decision.
Should be extended farther than that! How about 75? On second thought, as long as a pilot can pass the First Class or Second Class physical exam and do the tasks required,why should there by ANY "MANDATORY" retirement age declared by suck-up bureaucrats? But make DAMNED SURE none of these pilots are injected with the poisonous needle with DARPA's mRna gene therapy, disguised as a 'vaccination' that have been causing Myocarditis, blood clots and cancers. The FAA has played along with this Covid charade long-enough.