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Cargo plane breaks loose at Anchorage airport
A Korean Air cargo plane became unsecured and rolled unguided down a Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport lot Monday morning, impacting and damaging a parked truck and fence, according to officials. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Maybe a good thing that truck was there as it looks to be the "stopper" Otherwise could have been a whole lot worse damage wise.
Most certainly... I think a better word that "could" would be "Would"
I Was trying to be a bit optimistic for Korean Air's Perhaps even better than "could" or "would" would be "definitely".
Or, innovative chock...
When I was a ramp rat many moons ago I loved riding the brakes during ground movements. I would fantasize that I was flying off to exotic locations. Also, it sure beat wing-walking in the rain!
Got that right! Worst thing on the ramp is waiting in a blizzard or driving rain to marshall off a plane after disconnecting the tow bar, and the Captain is taking forever! You get the feeling like they forgot you’re standing there waiting for the all -clear headlight flash!
You just reminded me of another one many moons ago... During the winter it was the responsibility in the station to keep the plane warm and have it ready for the crew... It was about 5 below zero that night and snowing... over 3 hours, 6 inches of snow accumulated on the wings and tail. Keep in mind I am cold natured and I ran the pack pretty good all night long, and had a GREAT snooze... When the captain came on board, I told him I had it all warmed up for him... He said: "I can TELL!" as he flipped the packs off and opened the cockpit window... As I left the plane noticing the wings with 6+ inches of rain, there was nothing but water running off the fuselage... Like I said... I had it warmed up for him... Maybe more than his liking, but the Flight Attendants weren't complaining! LOL.