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Air New Zealand to introduce ‘no jab, no fly’ for international travelers
Air New Zealand has made this announcement: “We’re getting ready to reconnect with the world and letting customers know what they need to do to be ready to take off when we can,” says Air New Zealand’s Chief Executive Officer Greg Foran. “Being vaccinated against COVID-19 is the new reality of international travel –many of the destinations Kiwis want to visit are already closed to unvaccinated visitors. The quicker we get vaccinated, the sooner we can fly Kiwis to places like New York, Vancouver… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
to Bobina, vaccines will NOT protect you from getting will protect you from DYING from covid. And its respectful to others. I have been in the medical field for 50 years...cant tell you how many vaccines I have had for illnesses. Its only a shot for heavens sake..get a grip.
No jab, no fly, awesome policy
Fantastic! Another business that cares about the well being of it’s staff and customers. There are 2 benefits to proof of vaccine; one is the obvious reduction in the spread of Covid and the other is I don’t have to be surrounded by the dumbest part of the human race.
Clot away !
Dumb people will vanish soon !
Get the booster!
Dumb people will vanish soon !
Get the booster!
Yep Stupid sheep!
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Ah, thank you for proving my point. Now back you go to utube for some more fast breaking news.
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Better do YOUR research, genius. Not experimental any longer. Please don’t get vaccinated, we want you to die.