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"Unruly" passenger faces $52,500 fine
An airline passenger who tried to open the cockpit door and hit a flight attendant in the face twice is facing the year's largest fine from the Federal Aviation Administration: $52,500. The passenger on a December 23 Delta airlines flight from Honolulu to Seattle is one of four "unruly passengers" the agency announced Monday it is seeking fines against under its zero-tolerance policy. The increased fines come as the number of passengers is on the rise. More than 1.8 million people… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Something not right with anyone who has rage issues. I agree with siriusloon: A permanent ban. Plus, therapy.
If you punch someone in the face while on the ground you go to JAIL. So, if you punch someone in a plane you only get a fine?? Punching or otherwise attacking a crew member should have a mandatory sentence in jail or mental facility.
Indeed. Surely this is felony assault?
Maybe if you pinch someone in the face on a plane, you should get thrown out of the plane (with parachute if in the air) Whether or not it is in the air.
I meant punch, but pinch would work too
[This poster has been suspended.]