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Onboard Delta’s A350 Inaugural Flight – Full Review (+Photos)
A full review on Delta's inaugural Airbus A350 flight from Detroit to Tokyo, including comments, analysis, and numerous photos/multimedia. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
So I was a small aircraft pilot and like to know what you think of Airbus vs other Aircraft ref prior issues with Airbus. The new look appears sleek and clean .
Typical awful "New" Airways Magazine article. I miss the old magazine!!! The "New" Airways Magazine is not worth the paper it's printed on.
Hey there. What's bothering you? This is an online post. Our magazine posts are fairly dense and quite different. Feel free to reach out to me directly with concerns and questions.
I am a subscriber to Airways, and I am wondering when the nest issue is coming out as I have not gotten one for more than one month.
I am a subscriber to Airways, and I am wondering when the nest issue is coming out as I have not gotten one for more than one month.
Hey Isaac, why don't you give us a call at the office: (305) 744-3767. If you didn't receive the magazine, we can send you a replacement.
I really like the new cabin options. It seems to make a lot of sense. Great review!