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Teen Pilot From Compton Returns to SoCal After Record-Setting Flight
Isaiah Cooper, 16, touched down at Compton airport after a roughly two-week flight around the country, becoming the youngest African American pilot to complete the cross-country flight. A flight instructor accompanied him. Cooper's 8,000-mile flight was not without difficulty. Bad weather forced him to make a hard landing that heavily damaged his original plane in Wyoming. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I generally dislike record setting "stunts" like this. I don't consider them a real flight if the "pilot" has to have a CFI on-board to make it legal. The added pressure of trying to set a record has to contribute to some questionable decision making (getthereitis), such the flight linbb mentioned below.
Yeah, maybe get your Private Pilot Certificate first and show that you have accomplished a goal in your aviation career before trying to break records. I personally think that these records are all pretty stupid, unless they accomplish something like Lindbergh. Plus, he planted an aircraft during this little trip. Who's his sponsor? Oprah?
Record setting??? Around the world flight in the USA??? I'm going to sire a daughter. At the age of one, I'll put her on one of those flights with a CFI to make some records!!!
And die like the other little girl did due to the stupidity of the CFI. This guy wrecks the airplane with a CFI on board due to bad weather, if an instructor is on board and does not take the controls when things are over the students head its his nickel.
you are an idiot, thrustt has been on this site for well over a decade and had you known that you would have known he was making a joke and a satire at the same time about two things. 1. around the USA does not constitute around the world. 2. having an instructor there does not legally make the flight a SOLO flight
Once and for all aviation records have to be approved and sanctioned by the NATIONAL AERONAUTIC ASSOCIATION whose rules follow very tightly those of the FAI FEDERATION AERONAUTIQUE INTERNATIONALE based in Laussanne, Switzerland The claims these types arfe making that they broke such record are just pure PR BS.
"A flight instructor accompanied him"!!!
What was the record? Eight thousand miles of cross country dual with only one accident???
What was the record? Eight thousand miles of cross country dual with only one accident???